Saturday, February 28, 2015

free hand design

This is a free hand design. First I have drawn swastika form in middle and free hand patterns are drawn at 4 sides.Next at 4 sides melikala border is drawn. Added colors at last.

free hand design

This can be drawn as free hand design or with small dots 3x3.
First I kept 3 dots in 3 lines and drawn a small flower pattern. Next at 4 sides, free hand border is drawn. Again melikala border is drawn at 4 sides after free hand border. Added colors in this design to make this small design colorful.

rangoli design

This is a free hand design and no dots required explicitly for this muggu.
In middle first I have drawn a small melikala muggu  with 3x1 dots and around those 4 sides, drawn a free hand design. Added colors in this design to make it colorful.
at outside, I have drawn a small melikala muggu again as a border for 4 sides.

Flower muggu

Dots required for this muggu :8x8.
To make this muggu put the 8 dots in 8 lines.Here in this muggu, 3 flowers are drawn from each flower pot at 4 sides. I have filled colors in this. Here simple border is drawn.

Deepam muggu

Dots required for this muggu :6x1.
First start with 6 dots in one line and put the dots in between 2 dots from next line onwards (like madhya chukkalu) till 1dot.
Next draw the Deepam pattern as shown in the pic. With these dots total 4 deepam pattern are formed. Here Melikala border is drawn in contrast to the middle muggu.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

temple pattern muggu

Dots required for this muggu are 12x2.
First put 12 dots in 2 lines and next leave one-one dot at each side from  next line onwards and put till 2 dots. Next drawn some lamp pattern in the middle using 6x6 dots. At 4 sides, outside, melikala muggu is drawn using 6x4x2 dots. Here border is not drawn. This muggu is formed in the pattern of 4 sides of temple (like gopuram pattern). 

chukkala muggu

Dots required for this muggu are 9x5.
First put the 9 dots in one line and next start putting the dots in between 2 dots (like middle or madhya chukkalu) from next line on wards and put till 1 dot. Next draw flower pattern in the middle and drawn free hand pattern at outsides.
Here I didn't draw the border explicitly, just drawn small free hand design in between line pattern design.