Wednesday, June 29, 2016

tippudu muggu

Dots required for this muggu are 8x2x2.
First put 8 dots in 2 lines, next leave one-one dot each side and put till 2 dots.
Draw the lines as shown in the pic. Here added the colors to make this simple muggu little colorful.  

chukkala muggu

Dots required for this muggu are 5x5. 
Put 5 dots in 5 lines in straight. Next put 2 dots in middle (madhya chukkalu) after the last line at four sides. Next put 1 dot in middle of 2 dots. 
Join the dots starting from 2 dots line from one side to other side of 2 dots diagonally, such that it will form triangle shape.  

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Free hand design

There are no specific dots kept to draw this muggu. This is free hand design. Four lines are drawn at four sides and joined them  as shown in the pic. At last added colours to make this design, bright and colourful.

Tippudu Muggu

Dots required for this muggu are : 11 x1.
Put 11 dots in one line, next leave one-one dot at each side from next line on wards and put till 1 dot. Next draw the tippudu pattern as shown in pic. Added colours to make the simple muggu little colourful.

Sankranti 2016 muggu

There are no specific dots kept to draw this muggu. First Pot pattern is drawn and aside to that, sugar cane pattern is drawn. After that at 4 sides, small tippudu border is drawn by putting 6x4x2 dots. At last added colours to make the muggu, bright and colourful.

Tippudu muggu

Dots required for this muggu are : 15 x1.
Put 15 dots in one line, next leave one-one dot at each side from next line on wards and put till 1 dot. Next draw the tippudu lines and deepam patterns as shown in pic. Added the colours to make the muggu colourful.