Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Rangoli on Varalakshmi Sukravaram

Free hand design rangoli present in right side, was kept  on the occasion of varalakshmi vratam.  Pooja place was decorated with banana leaves, rangoli and flowers. 

Swastik pattern design

This is free hand design. This was drawn on  Varalakshmi sukravaram (Friday). Swastik pattern was drawn in the middle. Outside, flower pattern was drawn using Red and Green colours.

Chukkala muggu

This muggu was drawn using dots 7x4 in middle(Madhya chukka). Star or triangle pattern was drawn at outside as shown in the pic. Free hand flower and leaves pattern was drawn using rangoli color to make this simple muggu more brightful.

nandivardhanam flowers

Nandivardhanam flowers(wheel pattern flowers  or Chakram poolu)  from my balcony garden were decorated in the water along with rose flower petals near tulasi kota.

Flower and leaves pattern muggu

This is free hand design. First small flower petals pattern was drawn in the middle using white colour powder(muggu powder). Next leaves pattern was drawn using green colour. After that flower pattern was drawn using Dark and light pink colours.

simple muggu design

This is very small muggu. This can be drawn as part of daily muggulu. This was drawn using 4x2 dots. After melikala muggu, free hand design was kept to make this simple one little colourful.

Wednesday, July 11, 2018

free hand rangoli at tulasi kota

Small free hand rangoli was kept at tualsi kota. Near Tualsi kota flower plants were kept. Deepam or Diya was  kept along with rangoli. Tulasi kota was decorated with rangoli along with plants in our balcony as  small garden.

Rangoli was drawn as free hand design. First flower pattern was kept in the middle using orange and green color. Next outside of that, small free hand leaves pattern was drawn. Small deepam pattern was drawn at the corners with flower pattern in the middle.

small muggu for daily purpose

Dots required for this tippudu muggu or kambi kolam are 6x2x2.
Put 6 dots in two lines, next leave one-one dot at each side from next line on wards and put till 2 dots.  Next draw the melikala muggu  by passing through the dots. Here border was drawn using lines and free hand design. This is very small muggu and can be drawn quickly and ideal for daily purpose muggulu or daily purpose kolam.

muggu on Friday

Dots required to draw this muggu are 5x1.
Put 5 dots in one line, next leave one-one dot at each side from next line on wards and put till 1 dot.  Next draw the melikala or tippudu muggu by passing through the dots. Here border was drawn as flower pattern. This was drawn as free hand design and drawn as part of muggu on Friday. This is small muggu with 5 dots and ideal for daily small muggulu or daily chinna muggulu in apartments.

Thursday, June 28, 2018

muggu on friday

This muggu or rangoli was kept on Friday. First star pattern was drawn as free hand design in the middle. Next on the corners of this, flower pattern was drawn. Filled with colors to make this simple design or muggu little colorful. 

flower and leaves pattern border

Dots required to draw this muggu are 8x2x2.
Put 8 dots in two lines, next leave one-one dot at each side from next line on wards and put till 2 dots.  Next draw the melikala muggu by passing through the dots. Here free hand flower and leaves pattern border was drawn instead of separate border. 

friday chinna muggu

This muggu or rangoli was kept on Friday as part of regular muggulu. First small melikala or tippudu muggu was drawn using 3x1 dots as shown in the middle. Next free hand pattern was drawn at outsides of 4 circles using colors. Using stencil small flower pattern was drawn at 4 sides.  This is very small design and can be drawn in short time and ideal to draw in front of flat in apartment.

Wednesday, June 13, 2018

small muggu

I have drawn this muggu on Monday as part of my regular muggulu infront of home. To draw this one, I kept 5x3 dots in middle. First I have drawn flower pattern in middle with white rangoli powder. Next at outside, flower pattern was drawn as free hand design using pink and green colors.This is very small muggu and can be drawn in apartments and will take very less time.

muggu on Monday

Dots required for this muggu:8x2x6x2.
To draw this one, first keep 8 dots in 2 lines. Next leave one-one dot at each side from next line onwards and keep till 2 dots. Next draw the lines(melikalu) by passing through the dots as shown in the pic.Here I have drawn border as free hand flower and star pattern. I have drawn this muggu on Monday as part of regular muggulu.

tualsi kota decoration

Small muggu was drawn near tulasi kota as part of Friday muggu. First small melikala muggu was drawn. Next free hand design was drawn as border. Tualsi kota was decorated with lotus flower and rose flower petals. Small melikala muggu was drawn on pebble stones to have some little colorful decoration.

small muggu

Dots required for this muggu : 5x1.
First keep 5 dots in one line and leave one-one dot at each side from next line onwards and keep till 1 dot. Next draw the lines by passing through the dots as shown here. Here I have choosen free hand design as border.

tippudu muggu with combination of free hand design

I have drawn this chukkala tippudu muggu on Friday as part of my regular muggulu. 
To draw this one, first keep 11 dots in one line. Next keep 9 dots by leaving one-one dot at each side. Next keep 3x3 dots by leaving 3-3 dots at each side from next line onwards. At last keep one dot. Next draw the muggu by passing through the dots as shown in the pic. Here I have drawn border as outline using white,red and yellow colors. Small free hand flower pattern design was drawn at outside.

Friday, May 18, 2018

melikala muggu

Dots required for this muggu are 5x1.
Put 5 dots in 4 lines and next leave one-one dot at each side from next line on wards and put till 1 dot.Next draw the melikala muggu by passing through the dots.

tippudu muggu

Dots required for this muggu are 11x1.
Put 11 dots in one line, next leave one-one dot at each side from next line on wards and put till 1 dot.  Next draw the melikala muggu by passing through the dots. Here in middle free hand design was  drawn. Free hand flower pattern was drawn using yellow color. 

kalash pattern muggu

Dots required for this muggu are 5x5.
Put 5 dots in 5 lines in straight. Here Deepam pattern was drawn using outside dots at four sides. Next flower pattern( free hand design present in yellow color)  was drawn with middle dot  of each out side line. In middle kalash pattern was drawn. Outside free hand design( flower pattern) was drawn as border.  Lakshmi paadaalu was drawn in front of this muggu.

small chukkala muggu

Dots required for this muggu are 7x1.
Put 7 dots in two lines, next leave one-one dot at each side from next line on wards and put till 1 dot.  Next draw the melikala muggu by passing through the dots. 

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

kalash pattern rangoli

This muggu or rangoli was kept on ugadi. First in middle kalash pattern was drawn using stencil. Free hand flower pattern was drawn around that kalash circle. Next geetala or lines muggu was drawn at 4 sides using 4x2x2 dots which was filled with green, orange and yellow colors. Next at four sides free hand folwer pattern was drawn  in between this geetala muggu.

tulasi kota painting

Tulasi kota was painted with colors. Small free hand  design was drawn on the top with white color. Melikala/tippudu muggu was drawn on the sides. 

deepam pattern muggu

Dots required for this muggu are 9x9. 
Put 9 dots in 9 lines in straight. Next draw the melikala muggu and deepam pattern muggu passing through the dots as shown in the pic. Here free hand flower rangoli was drawn at four sides as border along with stencil rangoli.

geetala muggu

Dots required for this muggu are 6x4x4
Put 6 dots in 4 lines till 4 dots by leaving one dot at each side. Next draw the lines passing through these dots as shown in the pic. Here simple melikala border was drawn.

flower rangoli

This rangoli or muggu was drawn with the combination of chukkalu and free hand design. First in middle small melikala muggu was drawn using 3 x 1 dots. On top of those folwer pattern was drawn using colors as free hand design. At 4 sides border was drawn using stencil.

Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Free hand rangoli

This muggu was drawn as free hand design.  

ratham muggu

This was drawn on ratha saptami. This melikala muggu was drawn using 7x1 dots. First kept 7 dots at bottom. Next kept 4 dots in vertical line. Again kept 7 to 1 dots by leaving one dot at each side on top. Drawn the melikala muggu by passing through the dots.

Friday, January 19, 2018

Tulasi kota decoration

Rangoli was kept at tualsi kota as shown in the pic. Tulasi kota surrounding was decorated with diyas, flowers and rangoli. 

Friday muggu

This muggu was kept on Friday. In middle simple flower pattern was drawn using 3 x 1 dots(in middle). Next at outside small melikala muggu was drawn using 3x3 dots as shown in the pic. In between these melikala muggu small free hand flower design was drawn.

sankranthi muggu

This rangoli or muggu was kept on sankranthi. Pot pattern was drawn using 4x2 dots. This complete rangoli was kept with the combination of free hand design, melikala muggulu and flower rangoli.-

Muggu on bhogi festival

Dots required for this pot muggu are 10x2x2.
Put 10 dots in two lines, next leave one-one dot at each side from next line on wards and put till 2 dots.This was drawn on Bhogi festival. Pot and rice paddy pattern was drawn at four sides. Simple free hand design as flower pattern was drawn as border.

melikala muggu

Dots required for this tippudu muggu are 9x1
Put 9 dots in one line, next leave one-one dot at each side from next line on wards and put till 1 dot.  Next draw the melikala muggu by passing through the dots. Here bhogi pot(kundalu) pattern was drawn at outside as shown in the pic. Simple free hand border was drawn. 

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

sankranti muggu

This was drawn during sankranti time. This was drawn with the combination of chukkula muggu, tippudu muggu and flower pattern as free hand design. First in middle pot pattern was drawn using 5 x3x3 dots. Kept 5 dots in 3 lines and next kept 3 dots by leaving one dot at each side. Pot pattern was drawn passing through those dots as shown in the pic in the middle. Next tippudu or melikala muggu was drawn at both sides of the pot using 5x2 and 3 x1 dots as shown in the pic. Rice paddy pattern was drawn as free hand design. At bottom flower patterns were drawn.

geetala muggu

This is a free hand design or geetala muggu. This was drawn by putting free lines and used colours as shown in the pic. This was drawn during pongal period.

flower muggu

Dots required for this  muggu are 9x1
Put 9 dots in one line, next leave one-one dot at each side from next line on wards and put till 1 dot.   Draw the flower pattern at four sides. In middle swastik pattern was drawn here. 

tulasi kota decoration

Dots required for this tippudu muggu are 6x2x2.
Put 6 dots in two lines, next leave one-one dot at each side from next line on wards and put till 2 dots.  Next draw the melikala muggu by passing through the dots. This was drawn at tulasi kota.