Wednesday, March 21, 2018

kalash pattern rangoli

This muggu or rangoli was kept on ugadi. First in middle kalash pattern was drawn using stencil. Free hand flower pattern was drawn around that kalash circle. Next geetala or lines muggu was drawn at 4 sides using 4x2x2 dots which was filled with green, orange and yellow colors. Next at four sides free hand folwer pattern was drawn  in between this geetala muggu.

tulasi kota painting

Tulasi kota was painted with colors. Small free hand  design was drawn on the top with white color. Melikala/tippudu muggu was drawn on the sides. 

deepam pattern muggu

Dots required for this muggu are 9x9. 
Put 9 dots in 9 lines in straight. Next draw the melikala muggu and deepam pattern muggu passing through the dots as shown in the pic. Here free hand flower rangoli was drawn at four sides as border along with stencil rangoli.

geetala muggu

Dots required for this muggu are 6x4x4
Put 6 dots in 4 lines till 4 dots by leaving one dot at each side. Next draw the lines passing through these dots as shown in the pic. Here simple melikala border was drawn.

flower rangoli

This rangoli or muggu was drawn with the combination of chukkalu and free hand design. First in middle small melikala muggu was drawn using 3 x 1 dots. On top of those folwer pattern was drawn using colors as free hand design. At 4 sides border was drawn using stencil.