Sunday, December 13, 2020

Small decoration

Small decoration was done with tea light candles , mari gold flowers, small free hand design on pebbles.

Tulasi kota decoration


This decoration was done near Tulasi kota on Karthika pournami during Karthika masam. 

Small Rangoli was kept in Diya pattern and flower pattern. Marigold flowers, rose petals were used part of this decoration. 

Small design like paadalu, tippudu muggu, free hand design was drawn on pebbles.  Candle was used as floating Diya in the water along with flowers.  Aarti plate was also decorated with flower petals.  Deepam kept  using usiri ( amla) also on this day along with normal oil deepam.

Deepam pattern muggu

This muggu was drawn using 6x2x2 dots. As shown in the picture small melikala pattern was drawn at 4 sides. On top of those deepam pattern was drawn. Inside and outside side free hand design was drawn as shown in the picture. Diyas were kept as shown. 

Tulasi kota decoration

Rangoli with colours was kept near Tulasi kota on the occassion of chiluku dwadashi or ksheerabdi dwadashi during Karthika masam. RadhaKrishna idol was kept here near Tulasi kota. 

Rangoli was kept in Diya pattern using colours. Diyas were kept along with small muggu or free hand design on pebbles.  Tulasi kota was painted with maroon, yellow and blue colour paints as shown in the picture.

Rangoli on Diwali

This decoration was done on the occassion of Diwali.  Rangoli was kept using colours, flowers. Small tippudu muggu was drawn on small pebbles part of this decoration. Diyas or Deepalu kept as shown in the picture, some diyas are kept as floating Diya in water along with flowers.

Friday, December 11, 2020

Muggu on Diwali

This muggu was kept on Deepavali. Deepam pattern was drawn using 7x1 dots muggu. First outside Diya pattern was drawn at 4 sides. Next inside freehand design drawn. Flower pattern was drawn as freehand design. Tippudu muggu was drawn as border at 4 sides. Next deepalu or diyas kept at 4 sides. 

Thursday, December 10, 2020

Decoration on Krishnastami


This decoration was done on the occasion of Krishnastami. Here decoration was done using Radha Krishna idol, candles, colour rangoli.

Wednesday, December 9, 2020

Varalakshmi sukravaram decoration

This rangoli or decoration was done on the occassion of varalakshmi sukravaram. 


Monday, November 30, 2020

Friday muggu

There were no specific dots kept for this muggu. This muggu was drawn using melikala or tippudu muggu ,free hand design as shown in the picture here.  It was kept on the day of Varalakshmi sukravaram.

Tippudu muggu

This muggu was drawn using 9x1dots.It was drawn using tippudu muggu and free hand flower pattern.  This muggu was drawn on the occassion of Akshaya Tritiya. 

Wednesday, April 8, 2020

flower muggu

This muggu was drawn using 12x2x2 dots. First kept 12 dots in 2 lines, next kept dots by leaving one dot at each side till 2 dots. Drawn flower pattern at 4 sides and in the middle. Using colors, free hand design pattern was drawn.

small decoration

Small decoration was done on the occasion of festival  using  traditional muggulu.

Muggu on new year

This muggu was  kept on new year starting day. Simple tippudu muggu was drawn. Added some colors and free hand design. New year wishes were written  at 4 sides.

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

muggu on ratha sapthami

This muggu was kept in ratham pattern on ratha saptami. his was drawn choosing melikala muggu pattern. First kept 5x5 dots at the bottom in 2 lines. Next kept 3x3 dots on top of those 5x5 dots. Next again kept 5x1 dots on top of those 3x3 dots. Melikala muggu was drawn passing through  those dots as shown in pic. Free hand design was drawn using colors.

muggu on Sankranthi

This muggu or rangoli was kept on sankranthi. Free hand pot design was drawn in the middle. Melikala muggu pattern was drawn on top and below of that. Free hand flower pattern was drawn on each side of tha pot along with diya pattern using small 3x1 dots melikala muggu.

Muggu during Pongal

This muggu was drawing during pongal this year. This was kept  using 6X4X2  dots. First kept 6 dots in 2 lines, next left one-one dot at each side till 2 dots. Drawn or join the lines from 2 dots of one side to other side like crossing the line. Flower pattern is drawn on the outer side along with some free hand designing. 

Deepavali muggu

This muggu was kept during diwali one year back.  Muggu or ragoli was kept using chuukkalu and draawing melikala muggu. Outside diyas are drawn using rangoli pattern. Flowers are also drawn using rangoli.

Tulasi Kota decoration

Tulasi Kota has been decorated during Kaarthika maasam. Rangoli and diyas are kept near Tulasi Kota. Decoration has been done on the occassion of Kaarthika pournami one year back.