Wednesday, May 4, 2022

Deepam pattern muggu

This muggu was kept using 9x1 dots. Here melikala muggu was drawn at outer line. Flower pattern was kept at outer side. Deepam pattern was kept inside as shown in the picture.

Small tippudu muggu

This muggu was drawn using melikala pattern. Small flower pattern and free hand design was kept as shown in the picture.

melikala muggu

This muggu was kept using 11x1 dots, by leaving one  dot at each side. Here tippudu muggu was kept along with free hand design. Borders were kept with melikala muggu. 

Chinna muggu

This muggu was kept using 5x5 dots. Here it was kept using small flower, free hand pattern along with small melikala pattern inside. Free hand border was kept at four sides.

Deepam pattern muggu

This muggu was kept using 11x1 dots, by leaving one  dot at each side. Here tippudu muggu was kept along with free hand design. Deepam and flower pattern was kept as free hand design using colors. 

Small muggu

This muggu was kept using 4x4 dots. Small free hand design was drawn as shown here along with small melikala border.

Tippudu muggu

This muggu was kept using 10x4x4 dots. First kept 10 dots in 4 lines, next kept the dots till 4 dots line by leaving one dot at each side. This was kept using combination of tippudu muggu, free hand flower muggu as shown in the picture.

Deepam pattern muggu

This muggu was kept using 9x9 dots.  Deepam pattern was drawn at 4 sides. Small melikala muggu was drawn inside. Small free hand design was drawn as border at 4 sides.

Leaf and flower pattern muggu

This muggu was drawn using 5x5 dots. Inside leaf and flower pattern was kept. At 4 sides melikala border was drawn and free hand flower design was kept at 4 corners of this muggu.

Small tippudu muggu

This muggu was drawn using 9x1 dots. Here simple melikala muggu pattern and free hand flower pattern was kept.  Same followed in the border also.

Ratha saptami muggu

This ratham muggu was drawn on the occasion of ratha saptami. Ratham(in English chariot) pattern muggu was drawn using melikala muggu. In middle free hand sun pattern was drawn. Wheels were drawn like free hand pattern.


Star Pattern muggu

This muggu was drawn using 7x4 dots.  Star pattern was drawn like connecting. Free hand design was kept using colors. Small lines border was drawn all sides.

Small tippudu muggu


This muggu was drawn using 5x5 dots.  As shown in the picture tippudu muggu was drawn in the middle. Small flower pattern was drawn at 4 sides. Free hand border was drawn as shown here.

Freehand lotus design


This rangoli or muggu was kept using 5x1 dots. Lines were drawn using dots. Post that free hand design was kept as shown in picture.