Friday, August 29, 2014

design on gadapa

Here I have posted design or muggu or painting on gadapa at the main door entrance.In some areas of telugu gadapa will be called as kadapa also. Everyday morning muggu will be kept on gadapa which will be at the main door entrance with rice flour or  some times  rice flour mixed with  pasupu(turmeric) after putting turmeric first, to welcome goddess Lakshmi.  On this gadapa painting  also will be done with different types of designs.                                                                          

Here I have  chosen design/muggu on the  gadapa with lines and flower pattern as I wanted to have simple design on the gadapa so that it can look neat and simple.  To make this, first I have drawn lines with dark orange color(by mixing red and yellow colours) painting. Next   I have prepared one template for flower pattern a paper and marked the flower pattern on the gadapa using pencil.  Next I have filled the flowers  with pink color  as I wanted to have pink which resembled lotus flower color. On the ground, just I have drawn simple wave pattern lines with green and red color dots.

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