Wednesday, September 24, 2014

deepam muggu

Dots required for this muggu : 15x1

To put this muggu, first put 15 dots in 1 line,  next leave one-one dot from each side from next line onwards and put till 1 dot.
In this muggu, inside I kept small melikala muggu (with 5 to 1 dots). Outside I joined the dots into deepam and flower pattern.Finally I kept melikala border to have some sync with melikala muggu which is inside.I have added some lines with colours to make this muggu colourful.
This muggu can also be filled completely with colours.

baby frock muggu

Dots required for this muggu : 5x5

Put 5 dots in 5 rows to make  this baby frock muggu.
This muggu I learnt  during my childhood.:) and drawn this again after a long time.
Colours can also be added for this muggu if interested and this muggu can be done in very less time. Here I have added just a simple border, as I have a habit of drawing borders.
This muggu can be drawn without border also if you are looking for muggu without border.



Dots required for this muggu : 14x14

To draw this muggu, put 14 dots in 14 lines.  Here I have  drawn lines with some colours in this muggu.

tippudu muggu

Dots required for this muggu: 5x2, 4x1, 5x3

To make this muggu, first put 5 dots in 2 lines, next put 4 dots above these dots. Next put 5 dots in 3 lines again above these dots.
I have made this muggu in deepam kundulu form and added some colours to make this muggu little colourful. This will take very very less time.


Friday, September 19, 2014

tippudu muggu

Dots required for this muggu : 11x1

Put 11 dots in one line first, next leave each dot from each side from next line onwards(in telugu in some places it will be said like chukka vadili chukka or niluvu chukkalu) and put till 1 dot.
Here free hand border is drawn and any border like melikala border also can be drawn.
This muggu is drawn by combining small muggu (with 5 to 1 dots) at 4 sides at outside. I have added some colours to make this muggu little more colourful.



Dots required for this muggu : 7x1

This is a simple muggu with 7 to 1 dots.  I have added some dots with colour inside the circles, to make this muggu little colourful. I have drawn simple border to cover/finish the inside muggu completely.

swastik muggu

Dots required for this muggu:10x10

Put 10 dots in 10 lines. Next draw swastika and deepam form using 6x6 dots inside.
Draw melikala muggu as borders using remaining  dots.

In this muggu I have drawn one border pattern on top of this muggu, on sort of mud color thing (which will be called as Jaju in telugu). I have kept Jaju first on the ground and on that I have drawn border pattern using muggu powder.



tippudu muggu

Dots required for this muggu : 7x1

To make this tippudu muggu, first put 7 dots in one line, next leave one-one dot from each side from next line onwards and put till 1 dot.  
Draw a tube form by drawing lines and joining them into tube form as shown in this pic.
This muggu also looks like Nawar cot model if noticed from left side of this muggu. 

tippudu muggu

I will draw a border sometimes with 6-4-2 dots which is inside in this muggu. I have drawn this muggu by combining that border.  There is no specific dot count for this muggu. I have drawn this on a normal day and left it simple only. 

Saturday, September 13, 2014

flower muggu

Dots required for this muggu : 5x5

To put this muggu, put 5 dots in 5 lines.
First with 5x5 dots, small flower muggu has been kept.
As I have mentioned in one of my post, I will prefer to finish the muggu with some kind of border. 
So next I kept melikala border at 4 sides to have some contrast pattern with  inside muggu.
Finally I have added some colours to make this small muggu little colourful.


tippudu muggu

Dots  required for this muggu: 7x3x3

Put 7 dots in 3 lines, next leave 2 dots from each side and put 3 dots in 2 lines.
This is very simple muggu  and can be drawn in very less time.
For this muggu, separate border is also not required as outer side muggu itself formed as border.

Thursday, September 11, 2014

tippudu muggu

Dots required for this muggu : 11x1

To draw this muggu, put first 11 dots in 1st line and next leave one-one dot from each side from next line onwards and put till 1 dot.
Next draw the tippudu muggu by passing through the dots.
In this muggu, border also drawn in the same pattern of muggu to have the same pattern. To make this muggu little colourful, I have added pink and yellow colour for the 4 circle forms.


Dots used for this muggu : 5x3x3

I have just drawn this muggu by joining the inside dots in a swastika form first and outside I  have added some free hand design.

tippudu muggu

Dots required for this muggu : 7x5x1

I have drawn this simple tippudu muggu and added simple border.
Here border I have chosen like wave pattern border and drawn the same twice.

Sunday, September 7, 2014

tippudu muggu

Dots  required for this muggu: 7x1

To make this muggu, first put 7 dots in 1 line, next leave one-one dot from each side and put till 1 dot. For this muggu, I have added free hand design border  and added colours to make this simple muggu colourful.
This is a simple muggu and can be drawn without colours also. This will not take much time if you are not new to tippudu muggulu. 

tippudu muggu

Dots required for this muggu : 5x5 (for middle muggu)

To make this muggu, put 5 dots in 5 lines.  First draw a leaf form inside and next draw flower form outside. Whenever I will draw a muggu I will prefer to finish that one by drawing borders also most of the times. So here I have drawn melikala (tippudu) border. This melikala border can be drawn with any number of dots (like 3x3, 5x5, 6x6,7x7,..etc.) . I have chosen 5x5 dots to have match with middle muggu dots. Next again I have drawn one more small border type with 3x1 dots down the  melikala border at 4 sides. Added colours only for the middle muggu and left the border as it is.

tippudu muggu

For this muggu, there is no specific dot count. I have drawn this muggu by taking melikala border and made that as inside muggu and used small tippudu muggulu (which are with 5 to 1 dots) as borders. Here for those small muggulu at 4 sides, I have maintained different formats/types instead of having the same type at 4 sides.  Can be tried with same muggu format if want to have only one format at 4 sides.

flower muggu

Dots required for this muggu : 11x1

To draw this muggu, first put 11 dots in 1 line, next leave one-one dot from each side from next line onwards and put till 1 dot.This muggu is combination of flower pattern, leaf pattern (in middle) and deepam pattern.
Melikala border is drawn  at 4 sides to have contrast. Here I have used Green color for leaf, Pink color for flower form. This muggu looks also good, even without filling colours also.



This design one is painted infront of Tulasi kota. 
I have made this free hand design painting by mixing some different colour combinations like red and white (pink), white and dark green( light green), yellow and red (orange).