Sunday, September 7, 2014

tippudu muggu

Dots required for this muggu : 5x5 (for middle muggu)

To make this muggu, put 5 dots in 5 lines.  First draw a leaf form inside and next draw flower form outside. Whenever I will draw a muggu I will prefer to finish that one by drawing borders also most of the times. So here I have drawn melikala (tippudu) border. This melikala border can be drawn with any number of dots (like 3x3, 5x5, 6x6,7x7,..etc.) . I have chosen 5x5 dots to have match with middle muggu dots. Next again I have drawn one more small border type with 3x1 dots down the  melikala border at 4 sides. Added colours only for the middle muggu and left the border as it is.

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